For over a decade, the city of fountains has gotten a bad rap for being the worst city to find love in. With a lower number of young people per capita, being spread out, and having few places to hang out that don't involve drinking, it leaves Kansas Citians looking for love to turn to the ever-dreaded dating apps and hoping their friends have single friends that are not a nightmare to be set up with. The topic of dating in Kansas City has come up more than a handful of times on my couch and I'm here to help you navigate.
Love can never possess. Love is giving freedom to the other.
This is the biggest question that I come across in sessions with clients. Where do you go to find someone the old-fashioned way outside of a dating app? This question is the reason that Kansas City and other cities in the bottom 10 places to date get a bad rap is because there are not a ton of options outside of your local bar. At least not obvious ones, anyway. You're going to have to think outside of the box to be able to meet someone "out in the wild." To get you started here are some things that I suggest to clients:
Dating apps are the most complained about form of dating in my office, while also being touted as the easiest way to get a bunch of candidates lined up. So, it seems like they're a necessary nuisance and are here to stay. Which dating apps are the most popular in Kansas City? According to a couple of sources, your top four are:
The part that I believe makes dating apps such an arduous process is the higher level of rejection that one faces on the apps. Because you are exposed to a much broader pool of people than you would ever meet face to face you are also exposed to more rejection. For those that are already struggling with self-confidence this can create quite the downward spiral and make you want to give up on it altogether. I hear you and I'm here to help.
There are several ways that you can protect your self-esteem while being on the apps and the first is to be honest. Remind yourself that every interaction that you have with a person isn't going to be stellar. Remind yourself that not everyone on the app is your person. This will help you to remember not to take things personally when something goes sideways with a potential match. Also, stay true to who you are. Just because you get to curate a profile doesn't mean that you should curate a whole new personality. You are looking for a potential partner that loves you and if you don't put you out there then how is that supposed to happen?
The art of making a great dating profile is simple but immensely challenging to most looking for love. It requires you to get clear on what you are looking for and be willing to put it out there knowing that it will cut down on the number of inquiries that you get from your profile. But who wants to be invited to every party anyway? If you are trying and failing at online dating, perhaps your recipe for success is in an overhaul of your profile. Try these questions out to get you started:
"If you have butterflies your nervous system is alerting you to danger - it isn't a good thing."
When it comes to navigating the actual dates themselves that can be a whole additional challenge. When you go on a date with someone and are trying to assess whether or not this warrants a continuation of your time you need to consider multiple factors including the way that your body is feeling while you're on this date. Disney has told us that butterflies and sweaty palms are all signs of love at first sight, but science disagrees. Science tells us that a nervous tummy (butterflies) and sweaty palms with a rapid heart rate are all signs of a flight or fight response. If you don't normally get these things on a date or a first date then this is a sign that your nervous system is sensing danger from the present company and you're going to need to end things right then and there. If you are typically a nervous dater and get those feelings before any first meeting then you can disregard this as being your typical response to meeting new people. You will need to search for other alarm bells to clue you into whether this person is a good fit or not.
You are on the hunt for flags during dates. These flags can be green, red, or yellow and it's up to you to discern them for what they are. Green flags are things that clue you into the fact the person across from you is truly interested in you as a human being and not just looking to get you naked (unless that's what you're looking for).
What do red flags look like? You would think that this would be obvious, but as my entire career shows it is not. Let's break it down:
When in doubt - get yourself to a therapist or relationship coach and we can walk you through it. Be open to putting yourself out there and seeing what you can find by using these as a guide.
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