Life Coaching

imposter syndrome: What am I doing Here?

Maddie Paradise life coaching at Simple Empathy in Kansas City, MO

A question I'm sure you've asked yourselves before and one I've been asking myself the last few weeks. Battling my imposter syndrome, that I'm not sure how I got here or what I'm doing, has required me to focus on the truth. And the truth is I DO know how I got here and what I'm doing here. Deep deep down inside of me, I have always known I was built for this role. I've been helping people for years - more of my life than not.

When I decided to take a leap into coaching I began researching; reading, writing, studying–repeat. I was so nervous to tell people what I was doing. It felt off even mentioning it out loud. So instead, I put my head down and kept reading, writing, studying. Somehow this led me to my old psychology books from grad school. They were stuffed with notes, papers, and writings. I began to read all of my formative thoughts. They were filled with notes about mindfulness, the human brain, and HOW I COULD HELP PEOPLE. How I can change the way therapy looks. To make it not feel so wildly stuffy and intimidating. 

My life has been full of twists and turns, peaks and valleys. But one thing has always remained the same… I live to help people understand their own feelings and thoughts. I’ve been doing this intuitively for as long as I know. Today I am choosing to let go of the thought that I don’t know what I’m doing or I don’t belong here because it’s not serving me and to be honest it’s not even true. I am right where I belong. Here- helping anyone who is in need. It’s my purpose. If you are struggling to find your purpose or if you are simply looking to enrich your day-to-day life I am here for you.

Thank you for the outpouring of love and support. And thank you to the people who have already found themselves in my office. I’m honored and humbled by your trust and faith in me. With all the world has endured the past couple of years I know there are a lot of people out there who need some extra help. I’m looking forward to putting my armor on and fighting next to you to make this world a better place. I can’t wait to see new faces in my office. I will be there to welcome you with peace and love. If you just stopped by for some inspiration, hi, I’m glad you are here. 



Simple Empathy LLC